Journey Into Joy
– Living in a State of Conscious Creation & Well-Being –
14 MP3s
This MP3 package covers all of the avenues to living your Joy; from creating your dream body to healing from traumatic experiences to returning to your “Happy Place”. April Olas maintains a higher connection to the power that creates worlds – the quantum field – and with her work is able to ignite that connection within others. She has helped people from all around the world to create the life that they have always imagined, to heal from disease and trauma, and most importantly to realize that they are the ultimate architect of their own lives. Let April guide you into accepting the fullness of who you really are: effortlessly manifesting a life of joyful outlook, prosperity, creative bliss, and adventure.
Each track has two downloads – a spoken clearing/activation and a “silent” version. In the “Silent” versions of these tracks, the voice is silent and you only hear the soft background music heard in the spoken tracks. These can be looped and played in any environment to create a harmonious atmosphere and collectively enjoy the benefits of the energy encoded in each track.
1. Beautiful Body: A Vision Of Beauty & Balance (11:16)
2. Beautiful Body: Silent version (11:16)
Everything is vibrational, including your physical, tangible reality. Your body constantly reflects your feelings and your vibration back to you. With this track, you will manifest the dream body underneath all the limiting perspectives! Feeling at peace about where your body is now and loving it no matter what it is reflecting back to you is representative of having unconditional love of your whole self. Feel sexy, vibrant and attractive as you allow your body to move into its natural state of powerful beauty.
Redefine your relationship with your body and anchor your ideal self image in your Divine Blueprint. Release negative beliefs, the old ‘story’ of your body, and the blocks and resistance you hold to transformation. Return to a state of self-love and trust in the innate wisdom of your body’s ability to heal and recover from any manifestation. Regain a youthful, energetic state of agelessness and a renewed sense of health, strength, fitness, and confidence.
3. Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle & Reclaiming Your Flow Of Abundance (12:42)
4. Biggest Obstacle: Silent version (12:42)
Move beyond the limitations of what you perceive to be the biggest obstacle to achieving what you want. Learn to perceive yourself in a new, glorious light! Realize that you don’t have to try hard to make things happen, that the tools to create the life you desire have been within you all along, and that all you have to do is relax into the vibration of it. You will know your success is independent of others or outside circumstances. If you can dream it, you can create it. Release old thought patterns and beliefs that block you from creating the life you want.
5. Creating Success: Frequencies Of Confidence & Achievement (9:09)
6. Confidence & Achievement: Silent version (9:09)
Often we allow the opinions of others to disrupt our flow of creativity and set limits on what we can achieve. This activation will help you to release your limiting beliefs and the agendas of others so that you can come back into your natural flow. Say goodbye to procrastination, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy as you become the sole author of your creative destiny. Enjoy a renewed sense of confidence as you let go of all fear of failure, attachments to the outcomes, other’s reactions to your creativity. Feel the empowerment that comes with the higher vibrational perspective of your Higher Self.
7. Easy Affluence: Igniting Your Money Flow (14:08)
8.Money Flow: Silent version (14:08)
There is never-ending abundance for all. This activation will help you to remember that your money is always coming to you, and that the only thing holding you back from being rich beyond your wildest dreams is your own self-limiting thought constructs. Release fears, worries, anxieties, blocks and stickiness around money in all aspects. Start to feel easy and free about having money, spending money and saving money. As you accomplish the feeling-place of abundance, watch as your cash begins to flow!
This track opens up Divine flow and the ability to relax into allowing easy affluence having more than enough money without having to Do anything more. Move into the frequencies of simply doing what you love and enjoying life with a constant stream of money, support, and abundance in all ways.
9. Healing Trauma: Releasing Old Patterns Of Pain and Suffering (14:20)
10.Healing Trauma: Silent version (14:20)
It is natural to react to emotional and psychological trauma with feelings of fear, doubt, disconnectedness, and an inability to trust. However, you don’t have to keep suffering after the situation passes. Sometimes we can become entrenched in these feelings, simply because we are trying to make sure whatever happened doesn’t happen again. This loop of fear and pain prevents us from feeling free to create our own reality. As you release associations with time frames, people, events, and situations, you will heal past trauma from the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Freed from the impact, allow yourself to fully forgive and let go. When you no longer have the ingrained reactions to trauma, the natural cycle of emotions play themselves out quickly and easily so that you can feel safe, happy and peaceful in your own body. Your perspective will shift from one that anticipates pain and fear to one that expects joy and abundance.
11. Your Divine Potential: Getting Your Sparkle Back (Happy Track) (11:48)
12.Happy Track: Silent version (11:48)
Energetically reset your field and reconnect to your Radiant Self. Bring in higher frequencies that support all aspects of your joy: Happiness, Appreciation, Trust, Optimism, Confidence, Abundance, Vibrant Health, Love, Support, Safety, Protection, Harmony, Clarity, Receiving Effortlessly, and So Much More!!!
Regain the zest and vitality available as your Divine Birthright through your direction connection to Source. Acutely aware of the underlying connection that makes us all one, you will radiate your best self in any situation.</p>
13. Space Clearing: Environments that Support Your Joy (5:48)
14.Space Clearing: Silent version (11:20)
Buildup of energetic debris occurs within any living space and should be cleared regularly to help maintain a connected state. Whether simply maintaining higher vibration, cleansing a new space of leftover energy, or ensuring that any visitors to your home will be uplifted and leave their baggage at your door. This meditation will assist you in creating an energetic field within your space that allows for all to feel safe, secure and truly at home.
Maintain the clean multidimensional energy of any space while setting up the frequencies of ease in communication, inner connection and intuition, appreciation, tranquility, serenity, sanctuary, safety, belonging, love and acceptance, clarity, good health, feeling rested and rejuvenated, a sense of peace and well being, a sense of ease and flow. Dissolve old fear-based reactive patterns, insecurity, and lack. Clear morphic fields of disharmony, struggle, suffering, anger, blame and resentment.
All course material and recordings, in whole and in part, are under Copyright by April Olas.
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** Digital downloads are non-refundable.