Our Magical Happy Place
Welcome to your Happy Place! Our ongoing group is different each time as our community continues to evolve toward their best selves. We explore self awareness, playing in the quantum field, and continuing to refine our skills at consciously creating all aspects of our lives.
In this LIVE – INTERACTIVE program, April will clear the path for you and then show you how to bring about the reality that you desire, while also teaching you how to get clearer guidance from your own Higher Self. This program requires active participation, as it will empower and awaken you with the knowledge and tools you need to deliberately create the life you choose. April will hold the state and show you the way, but only you can practice and use them in your own life. Feeling empowered and free and knowing you can handle whatever shows up in life is incredibly liberating, and manifesting becomes a breeze once you’ve mastered these techniques!
This series will affect all areas of your life. You can choose your own focus and intent for what You Want in Your Life – and step by step you will create it. This series is going to be an Adventure, a Joyous Ride to Happiness and Fulfillment. If you are ready to take the reigns and actively participate in Getting What You Want in a Fun, Supportive, Uplifting, Powerful Way, this is for You!
Imagine an area in your life now that you struggle to change. It could be your body, or the balance in your bank account. Maybe it’s the lack of a deep, soul connecting romance, or a thirst for an unrealized career or ambition. Whatever it is that you’ve been trying to achieve, but can’t quite figure out how to manifest. Now imagine what living that in your current reality would be like. That is what is possible, in all areas of abundance, with this series.
4 weekly live 60 minute calls
Daily Energy Transmission for 28 Days
Weekly guidance and instructions
Private Facebook Group
1. Each week we will have a Live group call that will include clearings and activations, as well a Q&A so that you can get the guidance you need to get where you want to be. We will be focused on learning to consciously create with greater ease- awakening to the fact that You Are Magic! You will learn all the reasons you struggle to make progress or manifest what you want, and have many of these patterns cleared for you. Then you will decide what you want to CREATE and have specific guidance on exactly What To Do that will take you there!
The weekly calls will be on Thursdays April 20th, 27th, May 4th, 11th at 10am Pacific/ 11am Mountain/ 12pm Central/ 1pm Eastern.
Each call will be an unfolding and evolution of the group. You will learn the foundation of tapping into your own intuition and creative power. You will have your own personal experience of awakening to the reality that your thoughts and focus create everything you see in your life. You will learn how to create shifts in your own life and manifest whatever you want. You will see Evidence of Your Own Power to Create over and over again throughout this process!
We will be doing this Together, you will be part of a Powerful Group Community that will Inspire, Uplift, and Support you to your manifestation of Joy, Happiness, and Abundance, in whatever form that takes for YOU!
Calls will be recorded and available to download, so if you can’t make the live call you won’t miss out!
2. Daily Energy Transmissions – From the very beginning of this immersion experience, you will have energetic support transmitted daily. Each day April addresses what is most beneficial for the group as a whole, clearing active resistance and moving the energetic obstacles out of your way so that your daily path to creating what you want is easy and fun for you. These transmissions will clean up your energy field and release old patterns of suffering that keep you stuck in the cycles of your problems. You will find that your progress is exponential with this energetic support!
The Daily Energy Transmissions are done each morning from April 16th to May 13th at 8:00am Pacific / 9:00am Mountain / 10:00am Central / 11:00am Eastern and last about 15 minutes. You can sit in silence and tune in with me at that time if you would like to, or even listen to one of the mp3’s to help you feel more connected. It is Not necessary to do this in order to receive the energy, some people just like to because they can feel it. *Start time may vary on occasion if a scheduling conflict arises.
3. This is where the magic happens, and it requires your active participation and willingness to be mindful throughout your day. During this program you will get instructions and guidance that will help you focus in the direction you want to go. These instructions are your homework, the part where YOU take action to create what you want! You will spend a few minutes each day doing simple things that will change the course of your day – and your life. These exercises are easy and fun, but incredibly effective. You will be rewiring your brain and changing the chemistry of your body to create a better feeling “normal” that will bring clarity in ways you’ve never experienced before. From an energetic perspective, you will be raising your vibration and embodying higher frequencies.
Private Facebook Group
Our Magical Happy Place – Everybody wants to know how to get into my private community – our closed Facebook group. This program is the only way in! This is your go-to Happy Place! On this page we will share our Experiences, Improvements, Progress, Synchronicities, what we are Appreciating today, anything that made you Laugh or Smile, and all of the beautiful and amazing things that are happening for everyone throughout this journey. April actively participates on this page daily and you will learn a lot through everyone’s interactions here. This is where we get to know each other and become friends. This is unlike any other group page you’ve been a part of, in this group we’re a family. Active Happy Place members get to remain in the Facebook group after the program has ended and we continue to connect.*** For many, the privilege of this special place is by itself worth the price of admission.
$198 USD
This program is Life changing, awe inspiring, miracle producing results. Beyond ANYTHING I have experienced before in a lifetime of inner work and spiritual exploration. Watching the members of this group flow into the miracle zone is making me want to do cartwheels.…We have been lifted through the gateway into the field of miracles. It is completely blowing my inter dimensional socks off to watch what is happening here, to watch people blossom into this new reality. I have dreamt of this my whole life, but didn’t know how to get here. Things I thought would never change have shifted and this is only the first two weeks. ~Jeni Driver
I am busy busy handling what I had tried to manifest years ago, and now it happens all at once. A secure home, loving boyfriend, ease with difficult people, putting myself out there, getting rewards, feeling cheerful no matter what glitches happen.
Thank you April! It feels like dominos based on you bringing so many concepts together for me. It clicks. It is magic. The pace is fast, but I know I will make decisions well and take time to enjoy everything too! …This program brought all the puzzle pieces together for me.~ Julia Lambert
April is an amazing one of a kind healer that is refreshingly down to earth, humorous and full of wisdom, who shares what she has come to know in a very tangible and powerful way. April offers simple and fun tools and everyday exercises that creates magic if you incorporate them into your life – and she uses her unique healing abilities to support your journey. My life has made a magical turn since I started to work with April and it has improved in every area in amazing ways! I’m the one doing the work creating this new awesome life – but April provided the tools, happy, loving support and assisted me opening up my awareness of what is possible for all of us. She has a beautiful, happy loving heart and will never be your guru – because she knows that we all have the same ability to become conscious creators of our lives. I love April and I think you will too! And even better – you will love yourself! ~ Maria in Sweden
The talent of April Olas is priceless. I too have been doing self help for over 30 years. I have seen better results from working with April, than any of the others. Life is better, I am happier and people are noticing. What she teaches resonates with me, and I listen to at least 3 or 4 MP3s every day, sometimes running the silent ones in the background. I LOVE the Facebook group, a group of kind, helpful, funny, like minded people from all walks of life and from all over the world, with BIG hearts and they definitely make my day. I have tried other programs but no one and I really mean NO ONE has given more of herself in any of these programs than April. She is always in Facebook and on her calls helping all of us, to have better happier lives. She definitely walks the talks. April is amazing. heart emoticon Thank you, April, my life is better because of you. ~ Patti Womack
I always knew there was more to life than just the daily grind and now I am experiencing it! The biggest shifts are in my ability to start writing a book that I have literally been talking about for years. I also have a much stronger opening in my crown chakra and receive direct guidance from my Angels and guides whenever I ask. They’re even helping me through the channeling process! If it feels right for you to join April, then do it. You won’t regret it!!! ~ Nicole Nelson
I am so grateful that I found April! I’ve done several of her programs back to back and plan on continuing to do so. I’ve studied, trained , and been entrenched in self help, transformational development or whatever the latest name is now, for over 27 years and the only program where I experienced greater income and happiness with ease and joy is with her program…April walks her talk…. D’Tarelle Tullis
I have been playing April’s MP3’s for a few months and signed up for her last class and have seen a HUGE difference in my life. I have read so many books and played so many CD’s that I honestly thought I knew it all until April showed up and really showed me WHY my practices weren’t working. My energy and manifesting abilities have really increased since I have been working with April. I am a HUGE fan of hers for LIFE!! ~Donna
I am not the same person since I’ve signed up for April’s programme. I am so much happier feel more in control of my life. . . April gave me tools and showed how I can easily manifest things and I feel so much abundance flowing into my life. The steps are so easy . . . I also love listening to April’s MP3 and more and more miracles are happening in my life. I love that there is silent version too so I can have them on the loop without other people knowing as well as when I’m out and about I have it on my iPod. I am so happy and grateful for April’s work and her loving support! ~Renata
Since the beginning of my journey with April’s transmissions and group calls, I am delighted to share that now every day feels like Christmas Day. I describe it as that joyful, generous spirit that I felt as a child and which used to occur around Christmas time and now this open-hearted happiness and excitement has become so much more present in my life. I am in my 50s but I feel like a child again and in this present space of believing that there are endless possibilities that await me.
Thank you so much April, for bringing me into that flow. Blessings!
Judy Crane
April is the most gifted quantum healer I have ever worked with. Her gifts are life-changing. Her MP3s uplift the energy wherever I play them and connect us with with our own divine magic! Blessings abound with April. ~ Jeni
I have finally reached my happy place! I’ve read about it for years, listened to others stories of their breakthroughs, and pretended a lot. Well thank you April Olas! I woke up happy and content. I had a fun day at work!…I felt the light turn on inside somewhere-my life is changed. Bless you. ~Christine Moran
April’s work is unique! What I love most is how she is totally committed to helping people empower themselves. The treasures of her program include deceptively simple tools that are easy to embrace and completely effective. Using these tools alone has enabled me to experience transformation in all areas of my life – health, relationships, finances, the works! – and it only gets better! Her program helped me release back issues and a challenging relationship, and is helping me to happily re-invent my work in the world with refreshed excitement and clarity. But there’s much more to it! I notice the benefits of April’s work every day, as I continue creating my brightest, most beautiful, fun, fulfilling, abundant, joyful, and inspired life. ~ Sara French
I am writing to share my experience with April Olas’s program. Every day I am in awe of the amazing things I am learning and feeling. Since my session with April and participating in the program, I have physically and spiritually felt my heart become clearer and fresher. I can feel when the activations are occurring and feel them through my heart chakra and into my throat chakra, where I know I need a lot of clearing. It’s like a window is open and a fresh breeze is blowing through it. It feels amazing.
April is so grounded and honest. It’s wonderful how she respectfully calls people out when they are being doubtful or complaining and need to rephrase – it’s so helpful. Our exercises are fun and we learn so much about manifesting. And to participate with others and share our experiences is also very beautiful.
April is incredibly gifted and brings light into this event – I love her attitude, how she shares her gift with us, and all that I am learning about myself and others. I love the meditations and the MP3s to help me stay grounded and to really connect with my spirit guide and my higher self. I do feel that I am manifesting more because of this program and will continue to manifest in really big ways.
I really can’t say enough about how wonderful this experience is and continues to be!
Sue Crawford
Hi April,
Since we started this program I cannot express how grateful I am to have experienced so many changes and manifestations, thanks to your wonderful gift of shifting energy! In this past week, feeling grateful to have found help with my car! It seemed effortless and done with great ease. My energy has gone up considerably each day feeling motivated and keeping active. Confidence in myself has improved in general. I am finding daily energy transmissions and clearings from listening to the MP3’s have helped enormously and have a good sense of awareness. Being mindful of my thoughts and speech! The weekly live calls are awesome and can feel the shift immediately.
I have also manifested gifts from friends and colleagues. There was a cheque in the mail for over $50 from over payment which would have been overlooked normally. Joy!
I cannot wait to experience more happy surprises and this has been a great experience so far…
In gratitude and love, Nina 🌻💗
So here is amazing news! I received a letter in the mail today from a place I haven’t worked at for over 15 years. They wanted to know if I wanted my pension plan of $9792.04 all at once in December! I am only 52 and didn’t even know I had a pension plan with them! I am so very grateful for the abundance that shows up when I need it and my ability to have what ever I desire! I just make more money when I want something!!! Thank you April Olas for opening my heart and soul to these abilities!…I Feel more positive each day and feel truly blessed for finding this group! ~Micky Maleta Jones-Barela
Daily Energy Transmission comments:
April’s DET (Daily Energy Transmissions) must be experienced!!! One simply can’t describe what it is like to be held in the perfection of your soul’s highest path on a daily basis. It’s like getting a daily shot of sacred super vitamins that catapults you to your best! ~ Brandon
I felt it start in my solar plexus, like a cool breeze, as it moved up into my heart center. The “cool” sensation stayed with me, like I had a window open and a nice breeze blowing in. It was “sensation”-al!!!!! … Feeling wonderful and as I was thinking about my thinking and no “stinking thinking”, I realized how much more positive my thoughts and feelings are and how quickly I catch myself. ~Sue Posey Crawford
I was at the meeting at work at the time of transmission and suddenly I felt an amazing energy flow throughout my body, everything vibrating I saw rainbows and a lot of light around me…love those sensations. It was really cool. And made my meeting much more interesting :)) ~Angela Matusya
This morning was amazing for me too! I was getting ready for my day, and not paying attention to the clock. All of a sudden I felt a whooshing of energy moving throughout my solar plexus. I thought, is it that time already? I looked and it was exactly time. Tons of release this morning. I feel very positive today! ~Laura Weigel Reeves
I felt it immediately as well. Wiping my kitchen counters down this morning knowing that the transmission would start soon. I started to feel in when the clock said 8:29, looked at my phone and yes my clock was 1 minute off….) I have continued to feel it throughout the day when I stop and am silent 🙂 ~Tynna Voigt-Wallen
I loved the energy from the moment I woke up felt so much brighter. Many thanks April! ~Nina Lindley
Hi everybody! This morning’s energy session was amazing! It was so relaxing and felt sooo good! I totally needed that. Still enjoying waves now and again; so glad I signed up for this! Thank you April! ~Rebekah Small
$198 USD
*Live Events are non-refundable
**By signing up for this event you agree to the Terms and Conditions.
***The private Facebook group is a privilege gifted to those who join the program in order to offer additional support. To maintain the integrity and intention of the group, you must follow the rules of the page. Those that don’t follow the rules will be removed at any time during or after the program.
****This class is about empowering you and therefore requires active participation to see results. When exploring the quantum field and your own abilities, there is no guarantee that you will be able to do it, as this is highly dependent on each individual’s commitment and innate abilities. I believe everyone has some level of ability with this, so my goal is to help you cultivate yours. This class will not prepare or certify you to do this work for a living, this is an introduction to the quantum, not a master class.
*****A note about sharing: I ask that you please honor the energy exchange and not share this program. This process requires taking personal responsibility, fully participating, and taking action to make changes in our lives. We all want the best for those we love, and the greatest gift we can offer those around us is our own example and high vibration. Your friends are not receiving the full benefit of this group when they don’t sign up for themselves. First, because they are not fully committed enough to invest in themselves and often don’t follow through. Second, because only those on my sign up list receive the daily energy transmissions, clearings and activations – I specifically connect each of you for those. So, if you want your friends to share the adventure of this program with you, invite them to join for themselves. I appreciate your consideration and understanding. Each person in our group contributes to the whole in a profound way, and I look forward to having you on this journey with me.
All course material and recordings, in whole and in part, are under copyright by April Olas.